Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The Office: It's Done! (Okay, Almost)

Big news today: I spent the better part of four hours working on finishing up the paint job in my soon-to-be office. The result: all the painting is now complete! Well, except for the doors, which still need another coat or two. But I'm not even sure I'm going to put up the closet doors, so they don't really count, right? Anyway, I'm sure all three of my blog readers are eager to see pictures, and I'm not one to disappoint:
I don't know that the camera captures the colors all that well, but it's a light tan shade, maybe with a hint more yellow. The trim is "eggshell white", and the carpet need of a serious cleaning. But that will come in due time. Next stage: removing the paint supplies, putting up the blinds, moving my desks into the office, and setting up my PCs and workbench. Fun! That should be done before the end of the week, I hope. And in case you missed it, here's what the office looked like at the beginning:

My quote for the day comes via President Eyring's talk, We Are One, where he's quoting from the Doctrine and Covenants: "And go ye out from among the wicked. Save yourselves. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord." My office may not be clean yet, but at least it's a lot nicer looking than before, and soon enough it will truly be clean...and then I'll clutter it up with computers and stuff.

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