Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 18, 2012: Closing Time

Today was crazy. There's no other way to put it. First thing to mention is that our loan officer had sent the necessary paperwork to the escrow company yesterday, and we were hoping to hear back from them and get things moving forward. Now, we're dealing with ServiceLink, who works for Fannie Mae, which basically means they work for the government. I'm not saying all government employees are slow, but there's a lot of red tape and such and things can take longer than expected. So, yesterday at around 3PM our loan officer sent the papers to the bank and we were left waiting to hear when we'd get to meet with a notary and sign all the important papers. 5PM came and went with no word from ServiceLink, so contacting them was on my top priority list for the morning.

At around 10AM, I called the number I have to see what was happening. "I just literally got the email from your loan officer about five minutes ago; I've been looking it over and I'll be contacting a mobile notary and they'll get in touch with you shortly." Now, if she received the email five minutes ago, that's really weird, because ServiceLink received the papers yesterday and confirmed with our loan officer that they had received them. Ugh. But they said they would contact a notary and we'd hear from him and then figure out where to meet up and sign the papers. Great.

We waited some more, and I was getting antsy as we neared 11AM -- and so was my wife. I told her I was going to shower and if no one called before I was done, "heads would roll" or something like that. LOL. So anyway, I finished my shower and I got out 20 minutes later (with my toddler having joined me), and just as I was drying off my phone rang...with the notary. We set up the meeting for 12:30PM, which would be right up against the deadline for getting things done today.

Caleb was asleep, Corbin and I still needed to get dressed, and we had about four or five inches of snow last night so that wasn't going to help matters. Our house is half packed up with clothes no longer in the dressers and closets, boxes are everywhere, etc. But, the good news is we made it to the bank where we would meet with the notary (with our loan officer there as well -- something the notary said he has never had a bank willing to do before! Thanks Dallon!)

We signed all the papers, but there were a couple missing items: first, we needed to wire the remaining closing costs and deposit to the escrow agency. Fine. Second, and a bit of a surprise: I needed a valid driver's license, and mine had expired last month. I sort of laughed, because my loan officer has known me for five years, and I have a license that was valid for several years and has my picture that suddenly doesn't work as ID. I understand saying it's not valid for driving, but come on: it's still me on the card! After signing, we had to run me to the DMV, my wife went to the bank, and we figured we'd hook back up in a bit. Except, the DMV was understaffed because about half of the employees called off thanks to the snow in the morning. Which meant my 25 minute wait time took about 75 minutes. But, all's well that ends well and we got everything done. Hopefully everything gets processed quickly and properly and we'll close on Thursday, especially since I've now scheduled my Internet service to be disconnected on Friday morning. Yikes!

After the craziness of the morning and early afternoon, my wife and I decided to celebrate by going and visiting our (soon to be) new house, and then we went on a drive to a little place called A Taste of Eden where we wanted to buy some yummy balsamic vinegar as a gift for some family members. Sadly, they were closed today because of a family gathering. Just one of those days.... ;-)

My Book of Mormon reading for the day covered the beginning of the "big wars" among the Nephites and Lamanites, with the introduction of Captain Moroni. We also meet some very wicked people, specifically Amalickiah. Anyway, I love the description Mormon gives of Captain Moroni; I'm not going to quote the whole section, but basically Alma 48: 11-13 and some other verses give a description of the character of Moroni; then we get this awesome statement of his character:

Alma 48: 17: "If all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." (Book of Mormon, pp. 329)

Is it any wonder that Mormon, the great prophet that took all the records of the Nephites and abridged/edited/summarized them in the Book of Mormon, when he had a son he named him Moroni? You can see just how much Mormon respected and loved Captain Moroni with those verses. I also caught up on some "good book" reading with the Seven Habits:

‎"One of the most important ways to manifest integrity is to be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, we build the trust of those who are present. When you defend those who are absent, you retain the trust of those present." (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Paradigms of Interdependence, p. 196)

Daily Check Up:
1) Scripture study: Yes (15 pages/day through the end of the year: Alma 43-48, pp. 313-330)
2) Morning and evening prayers: Yes
3) 15+ minutes good book: Yes (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Paradigms of Interdependence, pp. 185-203)
4) 15 minutes of parenting/relationships/children book: No
5) Exercise for 30 minutes or more: No
6) One doTERRA blog post: Yes (Quick Addendum on Oil Pulling)
7) Use doTERRA oils for something: Yes
8) doTERRA Leadership and Mentor calls (Mon-Fri): Yes (I got mentioned by name in the leadership call by Kirk -- woot!)
9) Talk to two people about doTERRA: Talked to people at DMV; no mention of doTERRA, though.
10) Contact doTERRA front line: No
11) 15 minutes organizing office area: Other packing
12) Solid 8 hours (M-F) working at my job: No
13) Early to bed, early to rise: No (1:30AM to 9:00AM)
14) One AnandTech pipeline or article: No (Edited Corsair SSD article; should post tomorrow)

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